Old home page 


14 thoughts on “Old home page 

  1. Kristeen, I saw that you liked my post, Beauty from Ashes, so I checked out your page. I am so glad you found Christ and have realized the joy of living for Him. 🙂 There’s nothing better than living life the way it was meant to be lived, in close communion with God. I’m always looking for new music, especially by new artists! I really like your song, Praying for You, so I found you on Spotify and started following you. I also shared the song on Facebook. I have many friends who I know would love your music. I will be praying for you…that God would bless you as you use your talents to glorify Him. What an awesome God we serve!!

    1. Awww Carly, this was a very unexpected and beautiful message. Thank you! My ministry always needs prayer. Please let me know how I can pray for you and your friends. The song, “Praying For You,” is a very personal moment I had praying for my mom while she dying of cancer. I sought to find hope in desperate times, and I pray that you can share it with those that are going through difficult times for strength in Him. God always knows our deepest needs and I know that this song will make it into the hands of those that need it on His time. Thank you for your faith and for your dedication. I would love to hear how you are serving Him, what your ministry is. God bless you my friend.

      1. Kristeen,

        Thanks for sharing with me the story behind the song…I have someone in mind that I think might be blessed by hearing it. 🙂 If you could be praying for my return to school in a week after a semester-long hiatus, I would be so grateful! I’m studying psychology so that one day I can work with children and teens who are struggling as I once did. Christ has turned my life, which was in shambles, into a powerful testimony for Him! Recently, He opened a door to volunteer at the Western New York Children’s Psychiatric Center, the same place where I was once a patient. (Crazy how He works!) I get to show the love of Christ with hurting, broken children, and working with them has blessed me more than I could ever bless them! The center is state-funded and is slated to close for financial reasons…one of my biggest prayers right now is that God would soften the heart of Governor Cuomo and show him how needed the center is in our area. Join me in praying that these children get the best mental health care possible? 🙂 Have a good night, sister in Christ!

    1. Hi Meghan! I thought I had already responded to your feedback. I definitely remember reading it and reflecting on it. Let me followup but I will definitely say that I am willing to check out your work and offer guidance where I can. 🙂

      1. Ok, can I send them to you through the mail? I don’t have them on CD. They are finished sheet music. I would be so honored to have your feedback. I live in Massachusetts and we are digging out of the snow now. It will be awhile till I can get to the post office. Meghan

  2. I love your post about 50 shades of grey. I can definitely relate. Thank you for following my blog, as im a baby blogger who just wants to share my thoughts and hopefully spark inspiration for regular people like me. God bless! I look forward to reading more from you.

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