Lessons in Obedience


It may sound silly to some, but I thank others for being obedient when it comes to following their Christian faith, for following through on the things He specifically asks us to do. I started doing it because a lot of what I have in my life would not exist without others doing their part. But I’m not perfect either. I’ve been disobedient to God on many occasion, even here lately. I’ve been trying to stay on course but keep failing miserably.



Still, He loves me. In the middle of January, Nick suggested I go back to church after meeting a young woman that was in remission. The strange thing is that while I still felt like myself, everyone around me seemed to know I was not going to last much longer. And on some level, I knew that as well and was still looking for hope. I mentioned going to church on Twitter, and even told the world that I set my alarm so I’d go the next day. I’m glad I did.

I had a wonderful and beautiful experience that changed and challenged my outlook on several core things that day. As a matter of fact, that day in church is when things started turning around in terms of my health. It’s almost become known as the day I “woke up” or “my wakening.” But I was only given one instruction from God that day : “go back and listen to the sermon, especially the part I missed when I left the sanctuary because that part applied to me.” 

A few days later, I sat down to listen to the whole sermon. Truth be told, I never got past the worship section of the broadcast. Instead, I found myself speaking a message that came over me, a message I just spoke over the existing music. I recorded it and emailed it to myself so I wouldn’t lose it because it turned into a moving and beautiful message.

I thought I could release it one day like I had my album previously. It spoke of God’s love not being a new story but an old story that needs to be told over and over again so no one is left behind. Still, for all the stress that was being put on me when people noticed a change in me, and the additional stress I was putting myself under, I created an even bigger issue for myself:



THIS realization hit me a week ago, that this is what I should have been working on for the last two months. Not the stuff that happened in church that day or what happened before (although that will come in due time). I was focused on finding out what happened during my memory lapses so I’d know how close I came to dying.

The problem is, once I realized what I should have done, I got stuck trying to figure out how to share it. The podcast was recorded with other people’s music on it, and I knew it would be taken down if I posted it anywhere for copyright reasons. So for the last week, I’ve been trying to figure out how to get this done. More delays, more excuses? Who knows but thankfully the answer fell into my lap this afternoon. 

I have the transcript for the podcast. I wrote it a week after making the recording so I could “clear it” with my pastor. I didn’t want to put out a recording that took place at his church without his permission, especially with his worship team singing in the background.

To finish this and put it to rest, I’m sharing the transcript and  some final notes:


January 19, 2020

Transcript- Page 1

Transcript - Page 2

Transcript - Page 3

Truth be told, everything discussed in the transcript has already been shared verbally on multiple occasions, and used most recently in response to the Coronavirus crisis. Does that mean I was truly disobedient? I don’t even know anymore, and it’s a question that can be answered on another day.

At least there was fruit in the way this has ended; my husband made sure of that.

To Nick, thank you for coming to my sister’s rescue with this care package while she works the front lines. You went above and beyond for our family, and still went out of your way for someone that really needed it even more than us. 

To my sister JenNay, I’m sorry for being selfish and not thinking of you enough while I fought my own demons. You get me and still love me despite my failures. 

And to our loving God, thank you for all that you’ve done for me and my family, and for allowing us to help others that really need assistance. We love you, and are nothing without you.  



Why I Don’t Do Altar Call


My husband talked about altar calls recently on his show, Faith Matters. It has really gotten a lot of people thinking and evaluating why they don’t answer the call. Tonight, I started thinking about my own reasons.

I’m scared of going alone. I’m scared of putting myself out there in front of all of these people that I know and don’t know. I’m not afraid of meeting Jesus. Honestly, I think I’m more scared of looking like a fool. Looking like I don’t belong in this world. Looking like I don’t know what I’m doing.

The root of my fear is acceptance, not the acceptance of Jesus but of man. Oh, shy person that I am, why do I run in the other direction when faced with the opportunity to shine? Why do I hide behind my fears instead of running to Jesus with everything that I have?

I talk about Him all the time. I talk TO Him all the time, but faced with the decision to stand on the block with Jesus in front of everyone, or stay seated, I stay comfortable in my fear. Why do I do this? Why have I still not mustered the courage to stand before man openly and choose Jesus? Why can I only seem to muster the courage when I’m behind a computer screen?

I do not have a scarlet letter for all to see but standing up for Jesus in front of the masses feels like one. Where does the embarrassment come from, and what will it take to overcome my shyness and fear?

Stand before the masses. Go before my fears. Stand with Him. Stand beside Him. Stand in front of fear. Maybe that is the secret to alleviating my shyness when I’m on stage performing. If I won’t stand with Him before my congregation, why should He stand with me when I need Him?

Can You Be Happy If You’re Not A Christian?

This was a question I was asked recently. It completely caught me off guard, and the person asking, knew that I was already a Christian. What she was really trying to find out was if I was happy before I  became a Christian. I’m sure that the answer is different for everyone but Brenda had  been wanting to ask me for a really long time. She finally had her chance and my answers really surprised her. Maybe they will surprise you too.

My husband, Nicholas Gonzalez, overheard my conversation with Brenda and was inspired to interview me for his radio show, Faith Matters. You can listen to my response online here in the segment called “Come As You Are.”

I would love to hear your thoughts on this question. Are you Christian? Do you consider yourself happy? If you are Christian, how does your life compare to your previous life before you knew Christ? So many questions but also so many opportunities to have a conversation about faith and religion. Share your story below!

Beyond the Breaking Point

You may or may not be aware of it but KNG Music puts out a weekly radio show on Sunday mornings called “Faith Matters” with my husband Nicholas E. Gonzalez as the host. The last topic was on suicide and his own testimony related to the subject is something everyone should hear. It is powerful and moving, and I hope you will check it out and share it with your friends to listen as well.

If you are interested in hearing more sermons from KNG Music, including a sermon on loving atheists by yours truly,  then check out the ministry tab on our website www.kngmusicministry.com.



For more information about Kristeen Nicole Gillooly, her music, and her ministry, please visit http://www.kngmusicministry.com. You can also visit her artist website at http://www.kristeennicolegillooly.com.